I'm reading through Genesis right now. I'm taking my time, re-reading those childhood Bible stories. I'm loving the small details we overlook when we tell those well loved passages. Details like, where did the light come from on day one of creation, since God didn't create the sun until day four? Or, how catty do you think Jacob's wives were, competing for his love and attention while trying to get pregnant and have babies?
I'm just finishing up the story of Joseph.
Take a minute to reflect on his life.
Daddy's boy.Arrogant dream teller. Hated brother.Slave. Estate manager. Innocent convict. Prisoner. Dream interpreter. Warden. Pharoah's right hand man. Boy, oh boy, did "stuff" happen to Joseph. Through it all, somewhere around eighteen years worth, Joseph "sucks it up." Reading through his life story is like reading a Hollywood made-for-TV script. Drama. Danger. Injustice. And then a switch flips. Power. Wealth. Prestige.
Joseph perseveres. He is faithful. He never turns from God. He models true character.
Near the end of his story, he not only forgives his brothers, he finds them totally faultless. Innocent. Years of slavery and imprisonment are erased and he declares them not guilty. He recognizes God's plan and purpose for his life. He understands God's unbroken thread in the tapestry of his life. Wow. Plain and simple. Wow.
I can learn a great deal from Joseph. When life hands me lemons, I need to make lemonade. In difficult times, I need to stand firm in my faith. I need to see the big picture. I may not have been sent to save thousands from starvation. I will never be the President's right hand gal. But one thing I know. One truth I hold close. God is way ahead of me. He is working things out for his purposes. He has a plan for me.
My job is to be faithful. My job is to remain steadfast. My job is to persevere with joy in my heart. With JOY. And some day, I hope to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
2 Corinthians 1:12-14 (Message):
"Now that the worst is over, we're pleased we can report that we've come out of this with conscience and faith intact, and can face the world-and even more importantly, face you with our heads held high. But it wasn't by any fancy footwork on our part. It was God who kept us focused on him, uncompromised. Don't try to read between the lines or look for hidden meanings in this letter. We're writing plain, unembellished truth, hoping that you'll now see the whole picture as well as you've seen some of the details. We want you to be as proud of us as we are of you when we stand together before our Master Jesus."
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