Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Just like everyone else...

Just a few short weeks ago, my hubby and I were basking in the warm South Carolina sunshine. It already seems like ages ago. Insert sigh here.

While on vacation, we spend much of our time walking the wide, sandy beach located mere steps from our condo. We enjoy walking near the water's edge where we can scan the ocean for dolphins or where I can search the beach for seashell treasure. While Hilton Head Island isn't a seashell hot spot, we usually find an abundance of sand dollars and smaller scallop shells.

Most of the beach areas are relatively shell free, but I'm fascinated by the way the tide brings mounds of shells to other areas of the shore in sporadic bunches.

At first glance, these piles of shells seem to contain a bland assortment of broken shells.

Upon close inspection and lots of rummaging, I find that the bland assortment is anything but. Shells of all sizes and colors are hidden in a "Where's Waldo" seascape. Each tiny shell is perfectly formed. Delicate. Intricate. Simple. Beautiful.

Human nature nags us to conform and be like everyone else. How many times do we want, strive for or dress according to the what the masses dictate? We think of people the same way we think of seashells. At first glance, we all seem to be the same. Ordinary. Plain. Just like everyone else.

Nothing could be further from the truth. God made us his special creations. Perfectly formed. Delicate. Intricate. Simple. Beautiful. Formed carefully by his hand.

Thank God for who you are. Be who God created you to be. Loved. Special. Unique.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. Psalm 139:14 Living Bible

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