Sunday, July 7, 2013

Birds of a feather...

I went to the beach yesterday. Nothing compares with the joy of sitting on the sands of Lake Michigan, listening to the serene sound of rippling waves lapping the shore. It is relaxing. It is restful. It is sheer peacefulness in God's creation.

The beach I visit most often is a small township beach a few minutes from my home. For the most part, it is quiet, filled mostly with small families or singles. If excitement and crowds are desired, this beach most definitely does not fit the bill.

Yesterday, on a stretch of beach to the north of me, a large contingent of sea gulls congregated. They crowded around this area of beach, numbering fifty or more. Later, they seemed to decide a line dance was in order, as they formed a straight line just at the shore's edge.

Sea gulls have a bad reputation. They are often obnoxious. They most often are heard screeching at each other when food is an object of affection. Gulls cause annoying commotion any time a beach goer feeds them, and unfortunately, they also usually deposit unwanted "droppings" upon unsuspecting sunbathers. Amazingly enough, yesterday the gulls were well behaved. The were quiet. There was no loud screeching, no boisterous fighting. They simply gathered together in shared unity.

As is often the case, these gulls reminded me of life. Or, in this instance, the church. The church, like sea gulls, often has a bad reputation. Church-going Christians are often heard criticizing. Criticizing other Christians. Criticizing worship. Arguing over theology. Fighting over Bible context. Causing an annoying commotion. It's no wonder that folks are turned off by the church. I'm as guilty as the next Christian. And for that, I'm sorry.

For the sake of the church's future, we need to change. We need to quit the bickering. We need to take a lesson from yesterday's gulls. We need to gather in shared unity. We need to form a line of solidarity. Our goal? Serving our Lord, Jesus Christ with one heart and one mind.

Romans 15:5-7:

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." 

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