Over the years, we've vacationed in a number of different areas. Ocho Rios. Runaway Bay. Duncans. Our favorite by far? Ocho Rios. We've also tried different accommodations. Large Hotel. Mid-sized hotel. Villa with staff. Villa without staff. Small inn. Our favorite? The small inn.
We've also had many traveling companions. Close friends. More close friends. Our kids. My parents along with our kids. The two of us. Our favorite? That's tough; each trip is full of sweet memories.
My dad passed away nearly eight years ago. He loved Jamaica. He loved being there with us. He frequently shared the same favorite story over and over, yet relished the joy in every telling. I sure miss him.
I must admit that each trip to Jamaica brings with it the thought of family.
Family in Jamaica includes my own biological family, but it also includes my adopted Jamaican family. I didn't get their permission to share their photos online, but I can't imagine that they'd object. Here are some photos pulled from my Jamaican family photo album:
Isn't it great, that when we are children of God, we are all members of the same family? I'm blessed to call everyone pictured here family.
From Ephesians 2 (Living Bible):
19 Now you are no longer strangers to God and foreigners to heaven, but you are members of God’s very own family, citizens of God’s country, and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.
One of Jamaica's advertising campaigns says it best, "One Love."
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