My husband and I consider Jamaica our number one vacation spot for a variety of reasons. First off, in Jamaica it NEVER snows. Living in west Michigan, where we've had over twelve feet of snow this season, this reason is a no brainer. The warmth, sunshine and gorgeous landscape make Jamaica a virtual paradise. Another attractive Jamaican feature is the relaxed culture, which might just possibly border comatose. "Back in a minute," may mean fifteen minutes, an hour or maybe two. Even if you've never visited Jamaica, you recognize the phrase, "No problem, mon!"
But the very best treat on this tropical island? The Jamaicans. These folks, while poor by the world's wealth standards, have riches beyond compare. A big heart, wide smile and unending faith characterize the typical Jamaican.

The Jamaicans we met who work, typically work six days a week. Rising at 5:00 a.m. to catch a "route taxi" for their thirty to sixty minute commute into work is common. Working a ten to twelve hour workday is also the norm.
Americans would do well to learn from Jamaicans. On Sundays, most businesses are closed. A walk down the street confirms the destination of choice for Jamaicans. Church. Yep. Church. Women are dressed in hats, heels and dresses. Men in dress shirts and ties tow children behind.
And on Sundays, often their only day off, they arrive at church, typically around 10:00 a.m. for a service that may last three or four hours. After a break at home, they return to church in the evening, for another service lasting a few hours. Mid week, other evening worship is also held.
Amazing. In a world of hard work, in a place where there is very little time for self, Jamaicans work their free time schedule around God. God comes first, self second. Not the other way around.
In my busy, often self-satisfying existence, I tend to work God into my schedule. I tend to give him my leftover hours or squeeze him into my hour of worship on Sunday, never mind heading back for a second dose in the evening. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that attending church makes a person a Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth. The importance is on what place we put God.
Is he first in my life?
The verses from Proverbs 3 (The Living Bible translation) say it well, and I need this daily reminder to live it out:
4-5 If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. 6 In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.
Put God first? Yeh, mon!
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