Friday, August 17, 2012

What are the odds?

The summer Olympics are over.  A world competition in the spotlight. Millions, if not billions, of viewers. The United States winning not only the most medals, but also winning the highest number of gold medals. This is pretty much old news. But being an accountant, I like numbers. So I checked some Olympic odds. The odds, if wiki answers has it right, of becoming an Olympic athlete are 636,000 to one. More amazing still are the odds of winning a gold medal. A staggering 22 million to one. The dedication and perseverance of an Olympic athlete makes this feat quite remarkable. This week, the remarkable matched up with my ordinary life. A Bible passage challenged me to have this same type of dedication and perseverance.  Whoa...I'm not sure I'm up to the task.

You see, for me, Scripture itself is alive and relevant, but I feel a disconnect with Biblical authors and their lifestyles. My devotions have me in I Corinthians. Imagine my surprise as I reached the end of chapter 9.  It was as if I had been struck across the head with a 2X4.  There it was. In black and white. Written by Paul. Events that I enjoyed these last weeks. The Olympics. Right there.  Chapter 9.

From the Message, read I Corinthians 9:24-27:
"You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally.
I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself."

So there it is. A total connection to a Biblical event that still occurs today! Even more importantly, a challenge from Paul to give it everything I've got in the race for God. I know I'll never be an Olymnpic athlete. What I do know is that I will persevere ALWAYS in my quest for eternal gold!

Please join me in the race.

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