Today I helped my husband. He owns his own sprinkling business and October is a big month for system winterizations. I think it's fun to watch the sprinklers pop up and spit out their last water for the season. The stream of water eventually turns to a ghostly mist that dances in circles and signals a clear line. My job is to watch zone after zone complete this process and ensure that all heads retract back into their homes in the ground.
Our customers this afternoon were a pair of condominium complexes. We were on the second complex and I was being a good worker, staying diligent to my task. But as I waited for a zone to clear, I spotted a nest on the ground. It was a wasp nest. An empty nest.
Unfortunately for wasps, that is the end of life. I'm glad I'm not a wasp!
The Bible tells us that our bodies are houses, or temples even! At the end of our earthly lives, we will vacate our houses, but unlike wasps, we will be given new homes, heavenly ones. Imagine that! In Corinthians 5:1 (NLV) we read, "Our body is like a house we live in here on earth. When it is destroyed, we know that God has another body for us in heaven. The new one will not be made with human hands as a house is made. This body will last forever."
What a comfort to know that when we wear out our earthly bodies, God is ready with new, improved, eternal bodies! Eternal, as in FOREVER! I may not be ready to vacate this "home" just yet, but when the time comes, what a deal I'll be getting on my trade-in!
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