Friday, July 13, 2012

This is for the birds!

Most weekday mornings, I'm in a zone on my way into work.  I drive, somewhat on autopilot, the eight point five miles to downtown.  I'll admit, my drive is mostly routine and certainly not too entertaining.  But this morning, as I pulled out of our road, a bird's sweet song brought me out of my zone.  Right then, I decided to pay attention to what God might have in store for me this day.  I opened my sunroof, kept my radio off, and allowed God to talk to me through his beautiful creation.  By the first mile, I had heard a least a half dozen different melodies and the bird songs seemed to increase in volume as I drove.  By the time I reached the highway at mile three, not only were the birds singing, they were flying across the road in front of my path.  Birds seemed to be singing just for me. As I turned on the highway, a bird flitted within feet of my hood!  Now they seemed to be flying in pairs, alongside me and right above me.  While I couldn't hear their songs above the noise of wind and road, they seemed to be soaring and gliding for my entertainment.  By then, I had a smile on my face and laughter on my lips!  What joy God had given me simply because I chose to put on my "God eyes" while allowing him to accompany me on my morning commute.

Had God orchestrated the birds' performance just for me?  I choose to believe that to be so.  God told his disciples in Luke 12:6-7: "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

How will you let God speak to you today?

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